n spite of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), the Lord blessed the day not only because it’s the anniversary of the church in Cavite but more so when another soul went back to the Shepherd! Another soul finally decided to Jesus his Lord! Last April 19, 2020, Sunday. CJ Kyle Vipinosa is a kingdom kid. He was introduced at a young age to the ways and practices of the church since the time his family was in Manila. He was part of the children’s ministry of Central Manila Region (CMR), then grew further in the nurturing environment of the children’s ministry of the church in Cavite. His parents did not push nor pressure him to study the Bible but allowed him to naturally seek the Lord. He did seek the Lord, so the seed that was planted, the Lord made it grew and despite the ECQ limitation of physical distancing and internet connections, he continued to study online with other teens and mature disciples both in the True North Sector spearheaded by Fauni’s and in Genreal Trias with the Manalos, Canete’s and Clelestial's.
He loves to play basketball and now learns to play guitar, He is the only child of JR and Gina Vipinosa who also serves the church in the Youth Ministry .
